Turkish pasta manufacturers exported 780 million dollars worth of pasta to 160 countries last year.
Turkiye, which ranks second in the world after Italy in pasta export, increased its pasta export to 780 million dollars with an rise of 3 percent on value basis compared to the previous year.

According to the data of the Pasta Industrialists’ Association (TMSD), the sector, which exported a total of 1 million 370 thousand tonnes of products last year, realized the highest export sales to African countries with 731 thousand tonnes and generated 379 million 503 thousand dollars.
South American countries took the second place with 218 thousand tonnes, Asian countries took the third place with 98 thousand tonnes and Middle Eastern countries took the fourth place with 64 thousand tonnes. Last year, 18 thousand tonnes of pasta was sent to European Union countries.
“Our exports to 160 countries have been carried out without any problems”
Making evaluations on the export of the Turkish brand industry, TMSD Chairman of the Board Abdülkadir Külahçıoğlu said that in addition to climate change, the deterioration of the supply chain due to the epidemic and the problems in logistics made the importance of food products even more evident.
Reminding that the strict export of pasta was restricted between 1 January and 30 April 2021 within the scope of the measures taken, Külahçıoğlu added, “In the first 4 months of last year, our exports decreased by about 15 percent. Afterwards, as a result of our industry’s consultations with the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, a permanent solution was found and we have overcome it. With the next recovery, we succeeded in closing the year with a 9 percent decrease in quantity but a 3 percent increase in value.”