Turkey has started to come to the fore in the production of tropical products in the last years.
It is stated that 90 kinds of tropical fruits can be grown in Turkey. The prominent fruit here is Mango. Mango, which is grown in countries such as India, Pakistan, China, Ecuador, Brazil, Egypt, Spain and Peru, started to be produced in Turkey on the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts particularly.

While good results are obtained in trial plantings, 200 kilograms of fruit can be obtained from a single 7-year-old tree. Mango, whose kilogram price reaches 80 TL in the market, also brings profit to the producer. Tropical fruit and sapling producer Mustafa Ezici, who said that 100 saplings can be planted on 1000 square metres of land, also stated that 12 to 20 tonnes of crops can be obtained from 1 decare of land per year.
Mustafa Ezici said, “However, the production is not enough to meet the demand. At this point, Turkey can seize a great opportunity. The world’s best quality and most delicious mango can be grown in Turkey. This is because the weather is hot during the day and warm at night. This gives the mango more flavour. The kilogram price of the fruit, which is sold in Europe, is 18 Euros. The mango produced by us can be delivered to Europe, Russia and Turkish republics in a maximum of 3 days.”
“Mango trees can harvest in 3 years. Since there is a huge demand in the world, our farmers who will enter this business will certainly not make any losses, on the contrary, they will be able to earn a lot of money. The income to be obtained per decare from mango can reach 200 thousand TL,” Ezici added.
Underlining that 1 billion dollars of mango export can be made from Turkey, Mustafa Ezici noted, “Mango is known as King Fruit in the world. This fruit is actually ‘green gold’. Turkey may also be one of the strongest producers of the ‘king fruit’.
This information is very important