With Russia’s military occupation in Ukraine, which is known as the world’s leading and Europe’s “bread basket”, wheat prices climbed to the peak of 9.5 years with 9.34 dollars.

While it was discussed whether the crisis would affect Turkiye or not, it was a concern whether the two countries, which hold 25 percent of the world’s wheat exports, 18 percent of which are Russia and 7 percent of which are Ukraine, will restrict their exports. According to TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) data, Turkiye is not dependent on wheat consumption of 19 million tonnes by producing more than 20 million tonnes.
“Let Europe think!“
However, Turkey has wheat imports that it imports from Russia and uses in the production of wheat-related industrial products such as flour, pasta and biscuits. Russia, the world’s largest wheat exporter, had a share of 18 percent in global wheat exports in 2019, while Ukraine, which has been an important wheat producer for centuries and known as Europe’s “bread basket”, stands out as the world’s 5th largest wheat exporter. comes to plan.
“We have flour, we have wheat”
Eren Günhan Ulusoy, Chair of International Flour Industrialists and Grains Association Eurasia, said: “Turkiye’s annual wheat production is in the range of 18-21 million tonnes, depending on the cultivation areas and precipitation yield. It was 19 million tonnes in 2019, 20.5 million tonnes in 2020 and 17.7 million tonnes last year due to insufficient rainfall. Turkiye’s annual consumption is 19 million tonnes.”

“The new harvest will begin in May. Until now, there is enough wheat in TMO’s (Turkish Grain Board) warehouses and flour in our industrialists. We are clearly a self-sufficient country in wheat. For this reason, it is not possible for the said tension to cause any problems in the domestic market. It’s early for nervousness at this stage and the world can easily get through the year without trouble. There is no shortage or stockpiling. Turkey can also meet the small amount of wheat it imports from these two countries from the nearby Asian market,” Ulusoy added…