Home / Agricultural Economy / Agribusiness / FISHERMEN EXPECT AN ABUNDANT SEASON THIS YEAR!


In the Black Sea, fishermen, who have completed their last preparations before the hunting season that will start on 1 September 2023, are hopeful about the new season.

Atıf Malkoç, Head of Samsun Fisheries Cooperatives Union said that they are ready for the fishing season that will start on 1 September and end on 15 April.

Pointing out that the last season was productive for fishermen, Malkoç said, “Last year was one of the good seasons for fishermen. I hope it will be good this year too.”

Reminding that they expect anchovy to be abundant this year, Malkoç continued as follows:

Atıf Malkoç

“Anchovy appears in the sea this year. There is no bonito. It happens one year and one year it doesn’t. This is related to sea water. It rained a lot this year, it was cold and then the sea warmed up. The current signs look good. The weather is a little hot, it would be good if it cools down a little more. Anchovy caught in Türkiye last year was close to 200 thousand tonnes. Samsun region produced 70 thousand tonnes of fish. This year will hopefully be better.”


Indicating that large and small schools of fish are seen on the coasts, Malkoç stated that this may be a harbinger of abundance.

“Last year, the excess of bonito consumed anchovy. Bonito is a gluttonous fish that eats anchovy a lot. Chinekop, bluefish, they all eat anchovy. All fish in the sea eat anchovy. The fisherman also catches anchovy. We make money if there are anchovies in the sea,” he added.

Explaining that the prices may change according to diesel prices and the amount of anchovy caught, Malkoç concluded, “The sea will be abundant this year, but the sea water should drop from 29 degrees to 23-24 degrees.”

About İsmail Uğural

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