Year-end export target for fresh fruit and vegetables is 3 billion dollars…
Professor Dr. Senih Yazgan, Vice President of Uludağ Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association (UYMSİB), said that this year, the 2.5 billion dollar band in fresh fruit and vegetable exports could easily be exceeded and approached 3 billion dollars.
Dr. Senih Yazgan stated the desperate anticipation of exporters in the first months of the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic that spread all over the world ended with the decisions taken by the relevant ministries in a short time.
Emphasizing that foreign sales have increased very rapidly with the re-mobilization of the markets, Dr. Yazgan said, “People’s interest and demand for foods that will strengthen the immune system increased during the pandemic process. There was an incredible demand for fresh fruits and vegetables. These triggered our exports.”
Dr. Yazgan noted that the limited travels and the fact that people spend this process at their homes changed their consumption habits.
Noting that, with all these factors, period of January-September exports rose by 25 percent compared to the same period last year, Dr. Yazgan added, “We are also very happy with this rise, which is a pleasing value for the country.”
Expressing that 1.6 billion dollars worth of fresh fruit and vegetables exported in the first 9 months of this year, Dr. Yazgan continued as follows:
“Citrus exports constitute the biggest share of our exports, that is about 40 percent. With the newly started citrus exports, this figure will go much higher. I expect that this number will rise a lot this year, especially with citrus exports. I can already say that we might easily exceed the 2.5 billion dollar band and approach 3 billion dollars at the end of the year.”