Export of pasta, bulghur and wheat semolina will be subject to registered export.
Exports of pasta, bulghur and wheat semolina, including vermicelli, couscous, ravioli, noodles and instant/instant noodles, have been added to the list of goods subject to registered export. Sector representatives said that with the decision, exports in the pasta sector will increase and price stability will occur in the domestic market.

Pasta, bulghur and wheat semolina are included in the list of products subject to export registration. Before the export of the products in question, the customs declarations must be registered by the General Secretariat of the Exporters’ Associations.
According to the Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on the Export Registered Goods of the Ministry of Trade, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette; In the list of goods subject to export registration, pasta (including all products such as vermicelli, couscous, ravioli, noodles and instant/instant noodles included in the sub-explanations of the aforementioned GTIP (Customs Tariff Statistical Position), bulghur and wheat semolina (small pieces obtained from coarse grinding of wheat and wheat coarse flour) was added.