Press release…
The export journey of Superior seedless grapes, one of the important export products of the Aegean Region, which is an early variety with low sugar content, started on 27 July 2023. On the other hand, Türkiye earned 176 million dollars in foreign currency from fresh grape exports in 2022.
Hayrettin Uçak, Head of the Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association (EYMSİB), informed that the country exported 176 million dollars worth of fresh grapes in 2022.
“Seedless table Sultani grapes had a 58 percent share in our fresh grape exports with 103 million dollars. Super seedless grapes ranked second with 25 million dollars. Red Globe ranked third with 10 million dollars of exports, while Superior, an early grape variety preferred by diabetic patients, brought 8.8 million dollars of foreign currency to the country. Yalova Pearl achieved an export success of 5.3 million dollars, while Razaki grape showed an export performance of 2.5 million dollars. As for Antep black grapes, they exported 1.3 million dollars,” he said.
“The Superior grape, which ripens 15 days earlier on average than the Sultani fresh grape, which is the leader among the varieties produced across Türkiye, offers Turkish grape exporters the opportunity to enter the market 15 days earlier. Superior grape is mostly preferred by Russia. We export Superior grapes to nearly 30 countries. Ukraine, Belarus, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are also at the top of the list. In 2023, we aim to obtain 250 million dollars in total from fresh grape exports,” he added…