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Dr. Muharrem Hilmi Özev: Limitation of arable lands used for biofuel could threat food security

Ignored threat to food security!

Stating that biofuel production is one of the most important threats to global food security after food waste, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muharrem Hilmi Özev said that it should be taken into consideration that the limitation of arable land used for biofuel production to food production may trigger humanitarian and economic crises.

“The filling of food products that should be used for nutrition into fuel tanks is one of the most painful dramas that can be seen in our age,” Dr. Özev said.

Istanbul University’s Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muharrem Hilmi Özev’s article titled “The Threat Ignored in Global Food Security Assessments: Biofuel Production” was published on the website of the Turkish Asian Centre for Strategic Studies (TASAM).

Focusing on the effects of biofuel production in terms of global food security, Özev pointed out the potential threats of biofuel production on food security in his study in which he examined biofuel production, which ranks second after food waste, which constitutes the most voluminous threat to food security in the context of preventing hunger at the global level, and the effects of this process on food security.

Dr. Muharrem Hilmi Özev

The study, which examines how environmental, economic and political factors affect biofuel production, emphasises how this production affects people and society, especially in regions struggling with hunger and draws attention to the measures that governments can take in this regard, while evaluating the potential threats of biofuel production on food security from ethical and economic perspectives…

About İsmail Uğural

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