Home / Mechanization and Technology / Soil Management / DENİZ ATAÇ: SOIL IS LIFE


The World Day of Combating Desertification and Drought, which is celebrated every year by the United Nations on June 17, focuses on the link between consumption and land this year. In this important day, which draws attention with the theme of sustainable production and consumption, TEMA Foundation (The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats) Chairwoman Deniz Ataç emphasizes that it is our responsibility to take measures against the risk of desertification of our fertile agricultural lands both today and for protecting the rights of future generations.

Desertification directly affects the lives of 1.5 billion people…

The World Day of Combating Desertification and Drought, which is celebrated every year by the United Nations on June 17, focuses on the link between consumption and land this year. In this important day, which draws attention with the theme of sustainable production and consumption, TEMA Foundation Chairman Deniz Ataç emphasizes that it is our responsibility to take measures against the risk of desertification of our fertile agricultural lands both today and for protecting the rights of future generations, while declaring “Soil is life”.

Ataç calls on everyone to do their part in ensuring sustainable land use, restoration of degraded land, changing our individual consumption habits, reducing our burden on nature and preventing food waste.

Focusing on the theme of “sustainable production and consumption” this year, TEMA Foundation invited everyone to act responsibly not only for today, but also for our future, stating that the spread of sustainable agricultural practices and rehabilitation of damaged agricultural lands is our duty.

Pointing out that desertification is directly related to drought and arid areas as it is stated in the definition made in the Convention on Combating Desertification and therefore it is now called the Day of Combating Desertification and Drought, TEMA Foundation Chairwoman Deniz Ataç also underlines the areas at the risk of drought at the same time.

“Desertification is directly related to many issues such as climate crisis, erosion, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity and destruction of agricultural lands,” she adds.

About İsmail Uğural

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