Dr. Senih Yazgan, Vice President of Uludağ Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association (UYMSİB) said, “We turned the demand for food into an advantage.”
Stating that the epidemic created significant changes in the global food market, Dr. Yazgan explained, “When people went to the markets during the pandemic, they first approached to the food aisle. Everybody understood the importance of food. Therefore, there was a great demand in fresh fruits and vegetables department in partiular. Turkey was prepared for it. Because of the geographical location it is situated, it is a great advantage in terms of being able to deliver the desired product very easily, in a 2-3 day transportation period to Europe. We were able to turn this situation into an advantage as we could easily deliver products to both Europe and Russia.”
“We concentrated on the Far East market”
Indicating that new markets were born in this process as well as Central Europe, Dr. Yazgan added, “Central Europe is our very easy market. The mass we reached while exporting products such as black olives and green olives, were mainly Turks who live there. So our own consumption habits were similar. Now we have started to deliver new similar products to European consumers. Especially Scandinavian countries have turned into a good market for us in recent years.”
“However, the most important market for our fresh fruits and vegetables is the Far East market. We make an intense effort for the Far East market. For this, certain applications that we call ‘Quarantine Protocols’ have to be done. Countries want them gradually. We are now concentrating on fruits such as cherry and citrus for the Chinese market and lemon and grapefruit in the Japanese market. If we can perform them in a short time revenues of our producers who made their living from agricultural sector in Turkey will increase. No doubt that this will return to our country as an economic value,” Dr. Yazgan concluded…