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Covid-19 made farmers the lord of the nation again…

Covid-19 virus shines star of agriculture industry…

The Covid-19 virus, which has turned into a pandemic worldwide, has earned a reputation for agriculture and the food industry.

In the first years of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk quoted “Peasants are the Lord of the Nation.”

In 1923, when the Republic was declared, the agriculture Sector received a 43 percent share from the Gross National Product (GNP) and reached its highest level in GNP in 1926 with a 49.6 percent share. Turkey’s 1923 GNP of about 3 billion Turkish liras, while the agricultural sector was represented 1 billion 263 million. The share of the agricultural sector in GNP declined in the following years and dropped to 5.8 percent at the end of 2018.

The date of the proclamation of the Republic, 76 percent of Turkey’s population lived in the countryside, making a living from agriculture sector was passing 80 percent of the population.

At the end of 2018, the share of the agricultural sector in employment has decreased to 17.3 percent. This year, 14 May Farmers Day is celebrated on Covid-19.

Representatives of Aegean Exporters’ Association with a leading position in exports of agricultural products in Turkey celebrated the Farmers’ Day in their message and emphasized that Covid-19 has put forward the importance of agricultural sector once again.

About İsmail Uğural

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