The highest tea purchase in the last 20 years by the General Directorate of Tea Enterprises (ÇAYKUR)…
It was reported that during the first period, the highest figure in the last 20 years, over 230 thousand tons of tea purchased.

ÇAYKUR General Directorate, in a written statement, remembered that the period of tea purchases began on May 10 and still going on. “As of today we have realized the purchasing of tea by over 230 thousand tons. We continue to receive young age tea, which is suitable for our enterprises as much as it can process, with daily planning and we continue to produce at full capacity in all of our factories” also added.
Officials then noted that they continued to produce fresh tea without interrupting even if there were any agglomeration, waiting or any trouble. Meanwhile reminding again that we would continue to take quality tea provided that there were no collection errors and the quota amount remains within 500 kilograms per decare. “We are trying to do the best for everyone with the opportunities we have” they added.