Home / Mechanization and Technology / Licensed Warehouses / “A NEW ERA BEGINS IN DRIED APRICOTS THANKS TO LICENSED WAREHOUSE”


Speaking at the Dry Apricot Board meeting within the Aegean Dried Fruits and Products Exporters’ Association, Ramazan Özcan, Chairman of Malatya Commodity Exchange, said that the construction of 30 thousand square metre licensed warehouse with a capacity of 6 thousand tons is finished.

Ramazan Özcan gave the information that the construction of licensed warehouse supported by the Fırat Development Agency with 12 million TL grants for Malatya apricot and financed by LİDAŞ (a TOBB-TMO company) with 20 million TL, has been completed.

Özcan said, “The problem we encountered, after placing the boxes and shelves, was the licensed warehouse at TMO’s dried apricot intervention purchase. We have overcome that. With electronic certificate, it will be possible to remove the product from the physical area and turn it into cash. A new era begins in dried apricots.”

“Most of our dried apricot stocks depleted before 2020-21 season. When we look at the 85 thousand tons of yields announced this year in terms of total export and domestic market figures, there is a scarcity. I think we will try to turn this into an opportunity, we will have a better year. We need to do a good performance this year,” Özcan added.

Ahmet Turan Karaca, Deputy Provincial Director of Malatya Agriculture and Forestry, stated that quality apricot production is at the beginning of the business in order to get more income from dried apricots, this year the quality will be high due to the sparse fruit set in the apricot trees and they are ready to cooperate with the industry’s stakeholders for farmer training.

Karaca concluded, “If the producer does not have a price concern about the product to be offered to the market, it will take a better look at apricots. The contract agriculture model can have positive results in this sense.”

TMO: Turkish Grain Board

TOBB: The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

About İsmail Uğural

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