Home / Agricultural Economy / Agribusiness / 30 MILLION DOLLAR SUGAR EXPORT FROM TÜRKŞEKER…


Türkşeker (Turkish Sugar Factories), authorized to export 60 percent of the “C sugar” produced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s Sugar Department, has exported 80 thousand tonnes of sugar and earned approximately 30 million dollars.

According to the statement made by Türkşeker who applied its “contract farming” experience in beet production in non-beet crops (such as wheat, barley, corn, sunflower) during the epidemic period, closed the 2020/2021 Sugar Production Period with records.

Türkşeker produced 935 thousand 100 tonnes of A quota and 137 thousand 545 tonnes of C sugar in the said period and also started the export of C sugar it manufactured.

The company, which was authorized to export 60 percent of the C sugar produced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Sugar Department, achieved an income of approximately 30 million dollars by exporting 80 thousand tonnes of sugar.

At the same time, Türkşeker, which sold 10 thousand 400 tonnes to companies that export using sugar C in internal processing, earned approximately 35 million TL from this sale.

Türkşeker aims to generate 436 million TL in revenue by selling all of the C sugar it manufactures.

About İsmail Uğural

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